01462 451 300

General Dentistry

At Hitchin, our friendly dental team look after smiles for all the family.

Thanks to modern dental care, we are keeping our natural teeth for longer than before. Regular visits to the dentist prevents any problems from impacting your oral health – such as tooth decay and gum disease. We can spot any signs of potential problems as well as helping with your dental regime at home.

Seeing a dentist every six months

You are recommended to see a dentist every six months for a routine check-up. Even if you don’t have any noticeable problems and have a generally healthy mouth, it is worth having a dentist check your teeth. We can take x-rays and use our intra-oral camera to get an accurate picture of your oral health. If we spot any issues, we can then arrange any further treatment.

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Preventing gum disease with hygiene appointments

While most of the plaque on your enamel can be removed with brushing at home, some areas are hard to reach – such as gaps between your teeth. A hygienist can provide a thorough clean, removing plaque and tartar from high-risk areas and thus removing the chance of developing gum disease.

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5 Paynes Park,Hitchin, Herts, SG5 1EH
01462 451 300
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